Punica granatum (grenadier)

Punica granatum (grenadier)
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Product Code: TRO-0143-4B

Punica Granatum (dwarf pomegranate)Interesting tree for its flowers and trunk wich will get twisty over time. Keep it over 10 Celcius. Get the tree inside or in a cold greenhouse when temperatures gets under 10 Celsius.Will lose its leaves in fall or when transfered in the house. Inside, it will bud again after a few weeks. At 5 Celcius, it will bud again in spring.Summer time : full sun.Winter time : cold greenhouse (5 Celcius) or inside under grow lights 12- 14 hours a day.Watering : in summer time regularly and generously water the tree.Fertilizing : Biogold or 20-20-20 fertilizer or Nutricote 14-13-13 for the growing period.Repoting : Every 2-3 years in spring. Bonsai soil : pH 5,5 à 6,5. Well drainedPests : aphids - spider mites - white flies
  • CAD $30.45
  • Quantity Available: 7
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